Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well I'm excited as this is my very first blog post. I have been wanting to start my own blog for a while now after being a compulsive blog stalker, but have never really had the time to start (hmmm I wonder why??). I plan to show some ideas that I used this past year in grade one and am looking forward to the new school year (since I've been on vacay for a total of 2 days). This will be my second year teaching grade one and I am IN LOVE with it!! I just had the best year ever and was sad to see my class go. I decided to title my blog "Fearless in First Grade" not because I am fearless but because I hope to be. I want to try and take more risks in my teaching and try things that scare me a bit. Having the opportunity to teach grade one again this coming year has helped me to really reflect on what I have done right and what I can or need to change. I really want to teach more in centers this coming year and have definitely gotten some great ideas from all the blog stalking I have been doing. This past year I was covering a maternity leave and felt that I had to teach the same way as the teacher I was covering for. Although she is a fabulous teacher the she teaches and the way I want to teach are a bit different and this year I'm not going to let anything stop me, I am going to be Fearless in First Grade!!